Smoothly Prepare By Using The Salesforce MuleSoft-Platform-Architect-I Practice Test

Smoothly Prepare By Using The Salesforce MuleSoft-Platform-Architect-I Practice Test

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Salesforce MuleSoft-Platform-Architect-I Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Explaining Application Network Basics: This topic includes sub-topics related to identifying and differentiating between technologies for API-led connectivity, describing the role and characteristics of web APIs, assigning APIs to tiers, and understanding Anypoint Platform components.
Topic 2
  • Monitoring and Analyzing Application Networks: It discusses Anypoint Platform components for data generation, collected metrics, and key alerts. This topic also includes specifying alerts to define Mule applications.
Topic 3
  • Deploying API Implementations to CloudHub: Understanding Object Store usage, selecting worker sizes, predicting app reliability and performance, and comparing load balancers. Avoiding single points of failure in deployments is also its sub-topic.
Topic 4
  • Governing Web APIs on Anypoint Platform: This topic includes sub-topics related to managing API instances and environments, selecting API policies, enforcing API policies, securing APIs, and understanding OAuth 2.0 relationships.

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RealValidExam play the key role for assuring your success in Private Cloud Monitoring and Operations with MuleSoft-Platform-Architect-I exam. We incline your interest towards professional way of learning; motivate you to execute your learned concepts in practical industry. No more exam phobia exits if you have devotedly prepared through our MuleSoft-Platform-Architect-I Exam products, certain boost comes in your confidence level that routes you towards success pathway.

Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Platform Architect I Sample Questions (Q135-Q140):

Select the correct Owner-Layer combinations from below options

  • A. 1. App Developers owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs
    2. Central IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs
    3. LOB IT owns and focuses on System Layer APIs
  • B. 1. App Developers owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs
    2. LOB IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs
    3. Central IT owns and focuses on System Layer APIs
  • C. 1. Central IT owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs
    2. LOB IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs
    3. App Developers owns and focuses on System Layer APIs

Answer: B

Correct Answer :
1. App Developers owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs
2. LOB IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs
3. Central IT owns and focuses on System Layer APIs


Refer to the exhibit. An organization is running a Mule standalone runtime and has configured Active Directory as the Anypoint Platform external Identity Provider. The organization does not have budget for other system components.

What policy should be applied to all instances of APIs in the organization to most effecuvelyKestrict access to a specific group of internal users?

  • A. Apply an OAuth 2.0 access token enforcement policy; the internal Active Directory will be configured as the OAuth server
  • B. Apply a client ID enforcement policy; the specific group of users will configure their client applications to use their specific client credentials
  • C. Apply a basic authentication - LDAP policy; the internal Active Directory will be configured as the LDAP source for authenticating users
  • D. Apply an IP whitelist policy; only the specific users' workstations will be in the whitelist

Answer: C

Correct Answer : Apply a basic authentication - LDAP policy; the internal Active Directory will be configured as the LDAP source for authenticating users.
>> IP Whitelisting does NOT fit for this purpose. Moreover, the users workstations may not necessarily have static IPs in the network.
>> OAuth 2.0 enforcement requires a client provider which isn't in the organizations system components.
>> It is not an effective approach to let every user create separate client credentials and configure those for their usage.
The effective way it to apply a basic authentication - LDAP policy and the internal Active Directory will be configured as the LDAP source for authenticating users.

How can the application of a rate limiting API policy be accurately reflected in the RAML definition of an API?

  • A. By refining the response definitions by adding the x-ratelimit-* response headers with description, type, and example
  • B. By refining the response definitions by adding the out-of-the-box Anypoint Platform rate-limit-enforcement securityScheme with description, type, and example
  • C. By refining the request definitions by adding a remaining Requests query parameter with description, type, and example
  • D. By refining the resource definitions by adding a description of the rate limiting policy behavior

Answer: A

Correct Answe r: By refining the response definitions by adding the x-ratelimit-* response headers with description, type, and example

A company has started to create an application network and is now planning to implement a Center for Enablement (C4E) organizational model. What key factor would lead the company to decide upon a federated rather than a centralized C4E?

  • A. When various teams responsible for creating APIs are new to integration and hence need extensive training
  • B. When the majority of the applications in the application network are cloud based
  • C. When there are a large number of existing common assets shared by development teams
  • D. When development is already organized into several independent initiatives or groups

Answer: D

Correct Answer : When development is already organized into several independent initiatives or groups
>> It would require lot of process effort in an organization to have a single C4E team coordinating with multiple already organized development teams which are into several independent initiatives. A single C4E works well with different teams having at least a common initiative. So, in this scenario, federated C4E works well instead of centralized C4E.

Refer to the exhibit.

A developer is building a client application to invoke an API deployed to the STAGING environment that is governed by a client ID enforcement policy.
What is required to successfully invoke the API?

  • A. The client ID and secret obtained from Anypoint Exchange for the API instance in the STAGING environment
  • B. The client ID and secret for the Anypoint Platform account's STAGING environment
  • C. A valid OAuth token obtained from Anypoint Platform and its associated client ID and secret
  • D. The client ID and secret for the Anypoint Platform account owning the API in the STAGING environment

Answer: A

Correct Answer : The client ID and secret obtained from Anypoint Exchange for the API instance in the STAGING environment
>> We CANNOT use the client ID and secret of Anypoint Platform account or any individual environments for accessing the APIs
>> As the type of policy that is enforced on the API in question is "Client ID Enforcment Policy", OAuth token based access won't work.
Right way to access the API is to use the client ID and secret obtained from Anypoint Exchange for the API instance in a particular environment we want to work on.
Managing API instance Contracts on API Manager


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